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18.瓦里斯 君临是个喧嚣的城市。曾经不过是黑水河边,狭海岸上的一个小渔村,风暴地和河间地领主都宣称为自己所管,但实际上都没有管,也懒得管。现在这是王国里第二大的城,也











“大人?” 篮筐里的螃蟹更焦急了,有的爬出来,爬到小孩 的胳膊上。











“职责所在。我是情报大臣,我能借着小小鸟耳听八方。我就是如此侍奉敬爱的国王的啊。你的丈夫 是王手,也是侍奉国王的。咱们在这方面还是有共同点呢。”

























kings landing was a city of boisterousness.once a little fishing village along the black water and narrow sea, a place both claimed and disputed by stromking and riverking but no one actually hold or cared to hold. it is now the second biggest city of the realm and the capital of seven kingdom. the blackwater and narrow sea both being good conduit, it swelled in size and wealth. with the citywall long set, houses, brothels, shops,mills and so on stacked onto each other within the city and some choose to locate outside the citywall. and the port was full of fishing boats,ships, gallys, and whalers from the reach, the north, dorn, Vale, free cities across the narrow sea and even quarth, yiti and iben. seeing from the red keep high upon the aegons hill, it was such an enjoyment. this world was always at war and peace and prosperity was often sweet yet short. varys often wondered how long it will last, a decade was good enough if summer was long.

lord varys! a dirty fishing boy came with a basket of crabs for the royal kitchen. the crabs tickling in the woven little cage, uneasily, with fishy and salty stink.

you are so hurry! best keep those seafood fresh and send them to the kitchen.

I just bought a piece of news my lord might want to hear. maybe my lord will gave me a good price.

how much did you pay?

well, ten silver stags. morio did not charge too much, but I believe it worth more than thirty.

well, thirty? what can be so pricy? I would like to buy it but if it was not so worthwhile, you will not be my bird anymore.

lady stark catelyn and an old stout knight came to kings landing by sea. she carried a shinny dagger.

why would catelyn came across half of the realm? and by the sea? from the north to riverland, all lords were her husbands or her fathers bannerman, and she would have enjoyed welcoms and treats all the way. yet why?

my lord? the crabs from the sea was now even more anxious. one climbed out of the basket onto the boys arm.

find the morio and ask for me where is our beloved lady catelyn now. I give you a golden dragon if you can.

“old friends should trust each other. he heard little finger said.he pushed in and saw the man and lady catelyn. little finger was from a coner of a small isand. the long narrow islands was called fingers, and little finger was small and skinny when he was a child. and now he was still small and shinny, yet powerful. he was now the master of coins of the king. he wore grey silk coat suits his figure elegantly. for a man of only thirty or more, he looked rather mature in everything, especially his grey hairs. his eyes were always smiling, covering all he was contemplating. such a man was once innocent and not sensible.

when he was fifteen, he lived in the riverrun as a ward of hoster Tully. he played with catelyn and lysa, and rumors said even loved them. of course boysof that age were begging to desire for a lady and their hearts were unsettled always. but varys would never felt that, only bitterness and jealousy perhaps.

driven by that impulse, when little finger heard that catelyn was betrothed with Brandon stark, he challenged him for catelyns hands. of course he failed, cause Brandon was a grown man then. he almost died. maybe it would be better. after Brandon was burned by the mad king, he Mabey hoped cat would go back to him. and this time she married Brandons brother, addard stark, the new heir of winterfell. perhaps that time it hurt him even more than the duel.

catelyn was now tired and angry, but her brown red long waves of hair was shinning in the twilight, and she was still delicate after so many child-births. no wonder little finger loved her so much once.

lady catelyn! it has been so many years since we last met.

her tone was cold. I heard I owe you thanks in bringing me here.

he giggled like a little girl.yes! I know lord baelish will not mistreat you. oh, have you burned your hand my lady? the hand is such delicate. grand maester pycell makes marvelous salve. should it bring you a jar?

maester luwin had attended my hand.

varys took her handgently.Im so sorry for bran. he was a good child. is he safe now? I heard healers from free cities have amazing skills. maybe I should bring some of them.

she slid her hand out of his.maester luwin had been taking care of bran.

how do you know I came, lord varys? she watched him with coldness.

it is my job. Im the master of whispers, and I can hear my birds singing from afar. this is how I serve our beloved king Robert. your husband also serve our king as his hand, and we have something in common in that aspect.

spare me those familiarity.

I do believe you came here for a reason.

because I miss my husband and daughter.

since they have not arrived yet, let us be more familiar. my lady, can I have a look at your dagger?

she was awestruck for a moment.

I know.please show me, my lady.

how did you know that?

ser Rodrick had been in this room not long ago, searching for lord alyn, the master of arms. they talked about certain dagger and seeing the master of arms.

and where is ser Rodrick now?

he returned to your hideous inn and find you gone. the good knight was quiet distressed.now lady, can I have a look of the dagger?

she slipped the thing out, slowly. varys heldit with his thumb and point finger. it was a dagger extravagantly decorated. the hilt was dark dragonbone like black jet with golden ivy and flowers trailing around. the blade was valyrian steel with deep dark ripples like running water. he felt the point carefully, and pain came the moment his thumb touched it.

ouch!the blade fell onto the table.

be careful my lord varys. nothing holds an edge like valyrian steel. I thought you should know that. little finger smirked .

perhaps your little birds also know the name of the owners of this blade, lord varys.

well, he stopped sucking his thumb,in that I do not know.

I know. little finger said slowly. catelyn stared at him, voice and hands quivering.

me. little finger replied. he picked up the dagger, and it swirled in his hand like a spin. then he threw it, and the shadow of grey flew to the door. with a numb thump, it sank into the wooden plank deeply, and stopped quivering almost immediately.

such perfect balance. you should come to me the moment you came to kings landing. no need bothering the alyn, master of arms.

her eyes opened as wide as her mouth. it makes no sense. it is yours?

untill I lost it in a tourney.

to whom?

that year, I betted ser Jamie lannister with half of the court. when loras tyrrel unhorsed him,half of the court became a little poorer. king lost some coins, the queen lost her emerald necklace, the former hand his new sword, and I my dagger. at last, the queen ketp her necklace, but all these and other fortune came to him.


tyrion lannister, the imp.
