
(解剖与生理)crashcourse-(46)免疫系统 适应性免疫

(解剖与生理)crashcourse-(46)免疫系统 适应性免疫


(解剖与生理)crashcourse-(46)免疫系统 适应性免疫

World of Warcraft 《魔兽世界》

sinus 窦,窦道〔颅骨中与鼻孔相通的空穴〕

•blocked sinuses阻滞的窦道

•a sinus infection窦感染

a sliced finger 割破的手指

neutralize pathogens 处理掉病原体


•Rising prices neutralize increased wages.


•a medicine that neutralizes the acid in the stomach能中和胃酸的药

neutralization 中和

with out too much fuss 悄无声息地

fuss (n.)〔通常指对小事的〕紧张不安; 大惊小怪,小题大做;无谓的关注(激动)

•James said hed better be getting back or thered be a fuss.


•The Steamatic enables you to clean any carpet with the minimum of fuss.


•They wanted a quiet wedding without any fuss.


•Until I heard her sing I couldnt see what all the fuss was about (=why people liked it so much) .


make a fuss / kick up a fuss (about sth)(因某事)大吵大闹;(因某事)大惊小怪

•Josie kicked up a fuss because the soup was too salty.


•I dont know why youre making such a fuss about it.


make a fuss of sb / sth(英);make a fuss over sb / sth(美)对某人/某事物关爱备至

•Make a fuss of your dog when he behaves properly. 狗守规矩的时候就要宠宠它。

fuss (v.)〔为小事〕烦恼;过于讲究细节[+ with / around / about ]

•I wish youd stop fussing – Ill be perfectly all right.

我希望你别再瞎操心 — 我会很好的。

•Paul was fussing with his clothes, trying to get his tie straight.


rile up 强烈愤怒→be/get (all) riled up(美)=to be or get very annoyed 十分生气;恼火


•He was the calmest guy I ever knew – nothing ever riled him.

他是我认识的最冷静的人 — 没有什么事能让他生气。

•That class gets me so riled up. 那个班级把我气死了。

faucet(美);tap(英) 水龙头

premeditated 刻意的, 〔犯罪或袭击〕有预谋的,预先策划的

•premeditated murder谋杀案

measles 麻疹

mumps 腮腺炎

influenza 流感

chicken pox 水痘

small pox 天花

polio 小儿麻痹症

whooping cough 百日咳

◆ to catch/get/have chickenpox 染上/患上/得了水痘

humoral immunity 体液免疫

humoral immune response 体液免疫反应

cellular defenses 细胞免疫

bodys humors/fluids 体液

self-tolerance 自我耐受

immuno-competence 免疫能力

membrane-bound antibodies 膜结合抗体

key chain 钥匙链

win with overwhelming odds 以数量取胜

seed 植入,埋进

secondary lymphoid organs 次级淋巴器官

go into berserker mode 进入狂暴模式

berserker 狂暴战士,暴汉(一群古斯堪的纳维亚斗士,传说他们在战斗中野蛮且异常狂暴)

B-lymphocyte B淋巴细胞

effector cells =the feector =plasma cells 效应细胞(浆细胞,B淋巴细胞)

long-lived 寿命很长的,长寿的

memory cells 记忆细胞

spur 激发

primary/secondary immune response 初次/二次免疫反应

take several days to peak 持续几天达到顶峰

be re-exposed to 再次暴露于…

on alert 保持警惕

fight back 反击

rough endoplasmic reticulum 粗面内质网

mass-produce 大量(重复)制造

free floating antibody自由漂动抗体

take (a) hold开始起作用,产生影响;生存下去

•The fever was beginning to take hold.发烧开始厉害起来。

intruder 入侵者

binding sites 结合点

bacterial toxins 细菌毒素

agglutination 凝集(红血球或细菌通常对某种抗体反应后所产生的凝集)

attenuate使变弱; 稀释

•an attenuated form of the polio virus 脊髓灰质炎减毒病毒

•The drug attenuates the effects of the virus. 这药能减轻病毒的作用。

immunize〔接种疫苗〕使〔人〕免疫 =vaccinate,inoculateimmunization 疫苗接种

immunize/vaccinate/inoculate sb against sth

•There is still no vaccine to immunize people against the virus.


•All children should be vaccinated against measles.


•All the children had been inoculated against hepatitis.


leave sb. set for life 足够一生享用;使衣食无忧;使终身免疫

passive humoral immunity 被动体液免疫

ready-made 现成的

exogenous antibody 外源性抗体

buy a patient some life-saving time 为病人争取一些拯救生命的时间

battle royale 大逃杀

second to last episode 倒数第二集

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