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The Cherubim (sg. cherub, pl. cherubim or cherubs) are a unique form of construct created by the Adeptus Mechanicus for the Imperium. In appearance they are small angelic children, with the intentional effect of symbolizing purity. Although cherubim are specially-built for many purposes, some psychic Inquisitors utilize them as familiars.智天使是机械修会的独特造物。他们的外形如同幼小的天使般的孩童,带有象征纯洁的意味。虽然智天使是为了很多目的而特制的,但某些灵能审判官会把他们用作栖吾之灵(可以理解为灵能者使用的灵能无人机,两者是灵能共生的关系)

Vat-grown and enhanced with bionics and anti-grav technology they often swoop and chatter about the sepulchers and cathedrals of the Ecclesiarchy and act as sycophants to priests, cardinals and Inquisitors across the Imperium, babbling fanatical rhetorics in their high-pitched, querulous voices.智天使们在培养槽中长大,安装了生化义体和反重力装置,在帝国的各处它们盘旋着并一直对于国教的圣墓和大教堂喋喋不休,有时也会扮演牧师们,红衣主教们和审判官们的谄媚者,高声朗诵各种狂热言辞。

The origins of these artificial constructs are unknown though they first entered Imperial records 2,000 years after the Horus Heresy. 这些人造物的起源未知,不过它们第一次出现在帝国的记录中是在大叛乱结束的两千年之后。

Particularly the first mention of their existence was during commemoration pageant of the Emperors ascendance to the Golden Throne. The Adeptus Mechanicus Technomagi created a cherub for every year the Emperor had been watching over Mankind from the Golden Throne. Since then, the Adeptus Mechanicus continues to maintain a host of Cherubim.关于他们存在的第一份详细记录是在纪念帝皇登上黄金王座的庆典中。从此,机械修会持续保持大量的智天使。

Over the centuries, they had served the Imperium on many great occasions. 在之后的几个世纪中,智天使在许多重要场合为帝国服务。

However, they also have a darker involvement in history as noted in the Age of Apostasy when Goge Vandire, the Master of the Administratum, took power. 但是,他们也曾参与过政务院之主范迪尔窃取权力的叛教时代。

A master manipulator, though psychotically paranoid, Vandire used the awe generated by the appearance of the Cherubim to legitimize his regime as approved by the Emperor. 作为精神偏执的弄权大师,范迪尔利用了人们智天使的天使外表产生的崇敬心,假借帝皇之名让自己的统治合法化。

He ensured that thralls of the constructs which symbolized innocence surrounded him during all public events and portrait sittings to further maintain control over the masses. 他控制这些外表纯洁无辜的造物在公共事件中环绕着自己,并如肖像一般端坐着以保持对帝国百姓们的控制。

While serving as a manipulation tool, a more subvert task was these Cherubim being equipped with spy-ware programs to watch over potential spies and dissidents among the Palace. Because of this, for centuries after his bloody reign they were sometimes known as Eyes of Vandire.除了将智天使作为弄权的工具,范迪尔更为颠覆的行为是将间谍设备安装在智天使身上,用以监视帝国宫中的潜在间谍和异见者。因此,即使在范迪尔的猩红统治结束几个世纪后,智天使有时仍作为“范迪尔之眼”为人们所知。

Regardless, the true origins and creation of the Cherubim remain unknown.无论如何,智天使的起源和制造依然未知。

A Cherub was essentially a type of servitor which was shaped into small baby sized angelic being with wings. 智天使基本上就是一种机仆,只不过它被被塑造成有翅膀的小婴儿尺寸的天使的外形。

They were noted for their more independent thinking and were created through vats where they were breathed life by the tech-priests. 他们因为拥有更为独立自主的思考能力而著名,他们的肉体是机械牧师们在培养槽中育成的。

This was a noted difficult task as various components were required to create such a being which included making a viable skeletal structure, circulatory system, internal organs and more importantly that spark that makes them intelligent. 制造智天使困难得出名:制造这种产物需要多种多样的零件,其中包括制造一个可行的骨骼结构,循环系统,内脏,以及更为重要的:让他们拥有智能的火花。

Though the more complex task was the creation of a nervous system for the resultant creature.不过,更为艰难的是是在已经完成的生物体内部创造神经系统。

These servitors have the most complex neural systems due to the complex mannerisms displayed by the Cherubim. The ranks of the Cherubim were not mass produced but tailor made for their masters make each unique.从智天使表现出的种种怪癖来看,他们有最为复杂的神经系统。智天使并非量产货,它们每一个都是为买主量身定制独一无二的。

Sometimes cherubs are also grown in a vat from purely biological components. The technology used in this process is unknown.有时候也有在培养槽中用纯粹的生物零件制造的智天使,其中使用的催熟技术是未知的。

Unlike normal servitors, the Cherubim contain the most advanced form of behavioural programming and independent thinking amongst the mechanical creations of the Mechanicus.不同于普通机仆,智天使拥有机械修会造物中最为先进的行为程序和独立思考能力。

Yet, like most Familiars, to remain functional they must be controlled through a Mind Impulse Unit in order to direct them. 当然,如同多数栖吾之灵,为了保持功能,他们必须被植入用于引导他们的思维脉冲单元,而且必须被主人所控制。

Without this link, they become frightened and helpless. 没有这种精神链接的话,他们会变得惊恐无助。

But once attuned to its master, the Cherubim will undertake any task even if it results in its own certain destruction. 但是与主人协调好之后,智天使愿为主人赴汤蹈火,在所不辞,哪怕这会令他粉身碎骨。

Despite this, there exists a deep link between the Cherub and its master with information such as sights and feelings being exchanged between the two. 另外,智天使和主人之间还存在着一种信息的深度链接,比如两者之间能互换视觉和感受。

As such, the destruction of the Cherub can be a painful feeling for its master. Furthermore, their masters often become quite attached to them and go to great lengths to prevent their deaths.同样,智天使被毁时主人也会有痛苦的感受。更有甚者,主人经常与智天使之间联系过深,会极力组织智天使的死亡。

These servitors are not purely functional in nature as their small chubby appearances are not suited for combat, maintenance, labour or any other such tasks. Their role was determined by the adept involved in their creation. Purposefully built as symbols of purity, they also serve as a form of decoration.这些机仆并非纯粹用自然方式培育,他们幼小圆胖的外形不适合战斗,维护,劳役这些任务。它们的角色由参与他们制造的机构人员决定。他们被有意制造成纯洁的象征,他们也作为一种装饰的形式服务着。

Though not suited for combat roles, there are other more subtle tasks that a Cherub can be suited for such as spying, bearing weapons or equipment, being sycophants to their master and singing devotional hymns. 虽然不适合战斗,他们也有其他精细的任务比如间谍,携带武器装备,阿谀奉承主人,唱虔诚的赞美诗。

Others possess integrated power generators allowing them to protect their master with an energy shield or anti-psychic equipment of use against psykers.其他被整合了力场发生器的智天使能产生能量护盾保护主人。有些则是整合了反灵能设备。

